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Musical featuring Ji Chang-wook sells out

By Hong Hye-jin

  • Published : Feb 9, 2015 - 17:44
  • Updated : Feb 9, 2015 - 17:44

Tickets for the musical “The Days,” starring the actors Ji Chang-wook, Yoo Jun-sang and Lee Gun-myung, sold out on Thursday.

Tickets for the performances starring Ji were snatched up within 10 minutes, demonstrating his popularity.

Shortly after the tickets sold out, many fans called to ask whether there would be additional tickets for Ji’s shows, organizers said.

The 27-year-old actor commented on social media, “All the tickets for the performances I’m in sold out. Thanks for the support!”

“The Days” successfully ended its run in Seoul on Jan. 18. The musical will move to Incheon and other cities including Jeonju, Sungnam, Daegu and Busan over the next few months.

By Hong Hye-jin (honghyejin@heraldcorp.com)