(Korean Committee for UNICEF)
(Korean Committee for UNICEF)

Contrary to what one may believe, K-pop idols aren’t only focused on maintaining their looks, developing an enviable wardrobe and enjoying glamorous lifestyles. In fact, many are recognized for the generous donations they have made to charities and meaningful causes throughout their careers. From established artists to stars on the rise, Korea has seen numerous singers giving generously.For example, IU, who donated a significant amount to Sewol ferry victims, provides annual scholarships for students attending her former high school and also recently donated 100 million won ($89,000) to the Green Umbrella Children’s Foundation. Duo Akdong Musician were merely starlets at the time when they won the singing survival show “K-pop Star Season 2,” but they donated their entire 300 million won prize. These admirable acts have also inspired K-pop fans to donate on their favorite idols’ behalves for special occasions as seen in the cases of Wanna One singer Lee Dae-hwi’s first anniversary and on G-Dragon’s birthday. Here are a few idols who have gained national attention for their generosity:


1. BTSRight after the Sewol ferry tragedy in 2014, BTS and its fans were quick to provide aid by donating relief goods to the affected families. Recently, the seven-member group followed up with a 100 million won donation to the Sewol Ferry Disaster Family Council. Each member is said to have contributed 10 million won with the company pitching in 30 million won to round out the total. In late 2017, the group partnered with UNICEF to make the “Love Myself” campaign with the goal of promoting worldwide love and support the #ENDviolence campaign, which focuses on preventing child violence worldwide. During the two years after its launch, BTS members and their entertainment company will be donating 500 million won, a percentage of the sales from the physical albums of the “Love Yourself” series, the sales from the official merchandise dedicated to the campaign, and donations from UNICEF’s donation desks. So far, over 600 million won has been donated thanks to BTS.Just this summer, BTS also took part in the Korean revival of the ALS ice bucket challenge and made a donation to the Seungil Hope Foundation, which will be used to help build Korea’s first ALS treatment center.

(Suzy's Instagram)
(Suzy's Instagram)

2. Yoona Girls’ Generation member and current actress Yoona had contributed to various charities prior to becoming the first K-pop idol and 713rd person to enter the Honor Society. Created in 2007 by the Community Chest of Korea, the nation’s only government run charity organization, the Honor Society recognizes individuals who donate at least 100 million won and are passionate about social problems, volunteering, as well as supporting worthy causes. Having been consistently making donations since 2010, she has supported blindness awareness campaigns, children in need, and education organizations in the past. Because of her initial hesitation to publicize her philanthropic work, a full list of where she has donated to has been disclosed. As she forges on with her admirable work, Yoona continues to be recognized by the press; she was even invited to the Blue House to meet the first lady along with nine other dedicated donors this year.

3. SuzySuzy has donated to support low income families, victims of the Sewol ferry disaster, and low-income single mothers. After donating a large sum of money toward children with terminal illnesses, such as cancer, she became the 791st member of the Honor Society in 2015. The former Miss A member and now actress is known to be passionate about medical care and recently donated 100 million won to aid people in need of medical treatment or physical therapy. Not only is she known to be generous with her money, Suzy is known to be kind-hearted in general; for Children’s Day, she donated the stuffed animals fans had given her to orphanages, stating that though it’s a small gesture and though she appreciates the fans’ presents, they would be going to a better cause.As Suzy is one of the most popular names in Korean entertainment, she has inspired others to give back as well.By Serena Soh, Intern reporter ()