Missha, a South Korea-based skincare and cosmetics manufacturer, said on Tuesday the company has opened the first store in Germany’s Ingolstadt.

This is the first time for the company to jump into the Western European market though it has already opened some stores in Eastern European countries such as the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The cosmetics firm said it is planning to target the German market with its best seller BB cream. “We are confident of having good performance in Europe, the home of cosmetics. Starting from Germany, we plan to make inroads into other major European countries,” said Lee Kwang-sub, Missha’s overseas business manager. Germany’s media outlet “Style Ranking” said, “The popularity of Missha is sure to continue in the local market as its international hit BB cream is already widely known here.” The German cosmetics market stood at $15 billion in 2013, the biggest in European countries and the fifth largest in the world, according to a global research firm Datamonitor. ()